Shouldn’t We All Be Developers: Second Edition

We are delighted the second edition of Shouldn’t we all be developers has been published and is available to buy via  RIBA Booshops and Amazon now. The book articulates Roger Zogolovitch’s vision for recognition of the independent and creative developer playing their part to generate supply of new homes in the UK and beyond to meet population demand. Housing as a human right is the premise.

“For too long development in Britain has been in the hands of giant, timid, anonymous house building MegaCorps delivering poor-quality identikit homes. Inspired by Roger’s book, we can change all that. In the hands of the people, development can become a clean word, synonymous with quality and embodying the energy and beliefs of our times. This book reconnects us to the process and the spirit of building; of making, remaking and improving our world. It is something that every human is programmed to do.”
Kevin McCloud, Designer, writer and TV presenter

“Ideas tumble from Zogolovitch’s highly-readable book.”
The Building Centre

“In his recent book… architect-turned-developer Zogolovitch calls for a new approach that seeks potential in the nooks and crannies of our urban fabric.” 